Lungs On Fire
What kind of power to writers really have? What can we even do in the face of major disasters? Talk about them, for a start!
What kind of power to writers really have? What can we even do in the face of major disasters? Talk about them, for a start!
Why do people make wearing clothes so complicated?
Being pregnant and working retail is a nightmare no matter how easy the pregnancy and how lenient the company policies.
Extended warranties are something everyone hates, yet stores still offer them. What value do they have for a consumer?
It's real, it's a legitimate form of writing, and it was finally officially acknowledged the best way ever: with a Hugo Award!
200 words or less: a quick review of Captain Marvel Image courtesy of IMDB
200 words or less: a quick review of Spider-Man: Homecoming Image courtesy of IMDB
200 words or less: a quick review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Image Courtesy of IMDB
200 words or less: a quick review of Avengers: Infinity War Image Courtesy of IMDB
200 words or less: a quick review of Warner's "Shazam!" Image Courtesy of IMDB
The more complicated the problem, the less a chance you have of getting help from store employees.
Pitting employees against each other in an attempt to boost profits and cut costs never, ever works. Stop doing it!
Customer Service has to stay sane somehow. Laughing at silly returns is one of those ways.
Want to make a character that stands out? Start with the basics!
You can't lead from behind a desk. Your people can't learn if you constantly interfere. As with all things, balance is key.
Drug addicts are unpredictable, frightening, and dangerous. Learning to handle those situations is part of the job.
Short. Strong. Use the power of language not just to tell a story but to make your reader think!
Return fraud! Every single customer service person's nightmare.
Gun control is in the public consciousness again following not one but two mass shootings in less than thirteen hours.