I know at least one person who will get angry with me for saying this. Spider-Man: Homecoming just wasn’t that good a movie. For a movie designed to introduce to us the notion of Peter Parker as an Avenger, it just didn’t cut it. The story was long, convoluted and uninteresting, lacking focus and drive. Characters were weak, with no depth or dimension. Villains were predictable, presenting the audience with nothing to latch onto, and Peter himself was so busy waffling between being needy and being mopey that he seemed less like an actual person and more like a caricature of every teenage boy in existence. His struggles with being Spider-Man don’t seem as intense as they should be for someone his age, nor does he strike any kind of sympathetic note with the audience. Not only was it boring, I found myself fast-forwarding through parts of the movie several times, something I’ve never done with another Marvel film. All in all, it seemed less like a movie that could stand on its own merits and more like what it truly is.
Just a space-filler between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.